Truth and roughness hiding from the plain sight
Pondicherry sea is generally rough, more so around the Pier. This morning being a rainy one, the ferocity of the sea needed a long exposure capture to look calmer.
Pondicherry sea is generally rough, more so around the Pier. This morning being a rainy one, the ferocity of the sea needed a long exposure capture to look calmer.

The eerie silence before the cyclone
Cyclone warning being issued to fishermen folk, one of them is returning back home empty handed.
Cyclone warning being issued to fishermen folk, one of them is returning back home empty handed.

Rains cant stop us
A morning beach walk is not something that can be taken away from the routine for some people, like the group here. Their morning got even better with the light drizzle keeping most people and tourists indoor allowing them to enjoy the vastness of the sea while on the walk.
A morning beach walk is not something that can be taken away from the routine for some people, like the group here. Their morning got even better with the light drizzle keeping most people and tourists indoor allowing them to enjoy the vastness of the sea while on the walk.

Still waiting for the turn
While most buildings in the French Quarter and near get funds for renovation, there are a handful of such warm coloured buildings in a dilapidated state.
While most buildings in the French Quarter and near get funds for renovation, there are a handful of such warm coloured buildings in a dilapidated state.

“Je ne suis pas perdu ici”
In English it means, “I am not lost here”. Home to a sizeable French population and that most streets in old town Pondicherry being named to French, the French lady would be absolutely at home in this coastal town.
In English it means, “I am not lost here”. Home to a sizeable French population and that most streets in old town Pondicherry being named to French, the French lady would be absolutely at home in this coastal town.

White & Yellow — The charm of Pondicherry
Telling tales of the legendary past, the buildings in the French Quarter narrate the period of colonisation with their architecture. Vibrant yellow marked with white outlines gracing through, magnetize the travellers with their aura.
Telling tales of the legendary past, the buildings in the French Quarter narrate the period of colonisation with their architecture. Vibrant yellow marked with white outlines gracing through, magnetize the travellers with their aura.

Perfect time for a lazy walk
The statue of the ambitious French-India governor of 1700s - Dupleix, overlooking the people enjoying their morning walks in the promenade.
The statue of the ambitious French-India governor of 1700s - Dupleix, overlooking the people enjoying their morning walks in the promenade.

Another visual delight from the French streets of Pondicherry

Eglise de Notre Dame des (The Church of Our Lady of Angels)
The only church serving French mass in Pondicherry. Simple wooden cross, vibrant colors and a beautiful altar work in a splendid way attracting tourists and those who want offer their prayers.
The only church serving French mass in Pondicherry. Simple wooden cross, vibrant colors and a beautiful altar work in a splendid way attracting tourists and those who want offer their prayers.